July 22, 2012

This Night of Breaking Heart

As I watched him pull out his boarding pass and look hopefully into my eyes.. I was fighting hard, with every thing I had, not to let the tears swelling in my eyes pour down my face. I haven't said Goodbye in so long, in so many years.. After everything.. it seems that I've forgotten how. It was a very difficult day, to watch the guy I love fly away.. I fled back to the elevators, then to my car and cried so hard. I cried when I scanned my ticket while leaving, I cried crossing the bridge. I cried all. the. way. home. 
I hate being 1000 miles from him. My heart aches for all the men and women that have to endure this regularly. There is no way I am strong enough for this. I cannot wait until he is home. 


July 15, 2012

October 04, 2010

In this world of unknown and uncertainty, there is one thing I know that will last for eternity. It brings me hope for others in pain to have something so beautifully insane. 
Our love could run wild through universe after universe. Sailing the stars. 
The only thing that brings me unbearable, excruciating pain is not knowing if I will be able to touch his face after our existence here is over. The human life span is not long enough for all the time I need with him.
We have adventures to take on 
experiences to try on
mistakes to learn from
love to pass on.
We could conquer this world hand in hand.

Live your Life

This weekend consisted of: 

Probably the best seafood pasta I've ever had.. Father-Son Comparisons, Sweet Tea, pretty little girls with pretty pink nails, shopping for luggage, non-planned Cracker Barrel run-in's, delicious Orange Cream Soda, Myla and Koda's first beach trip and pirate costumes .. 

What a wonderful life we live.


This evening at Target, as the school supplies isle reeled me in, Josh pointed out to me that I have an unnatural addiction to the collection of agendas and day planners. This is my newest one :o)

July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Today is awesome for 3 very important reasons:

1. It's Friday the 13th.
2. It's Friday period.
3. It is the 35th annual celebration of birth to a very awesome friend of mine.

Happy Birthday Brandy Watkins

July 11, 2012

Ice Shows, Slushies and Raindrops

This past weekend was quite relaxing. I have been leaving the office at 7-8pm or later almost every night so Saturday was spent literally indoors ALL day. Watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It was a weird day because I went to sleep around 6pm, woke up at 10pm, then couldn't fall back asleep until 5:30am. Hence the 2am blog post. Other then that I didn't see the light of day until Sunday when Josh and I made our way to Busch Gardens and met up with his fam. It seriously had to be the hottest day of the year and trying to get in some water there was truly impossible, but we had a great time. Thanks again to Uncle Dee for the slushies and it stinks he lost his camera :(

We ate and ate until we couldn't eat anymore and watched an awesome show called Iceploration. Josh goofed off with monkeys while I snapped photos and tried very hard, without success, to find some water to cool down in. There were a few clouds and lightning so ALL of the rides were shut down. As if there is a day in Florida where there isn't a few clouds and lightning somewhere on the horizon..

July 8, 2012

Stealing December

listen to the trees whisper
watch the sun fade 
feel the grass grow 
taste the wind blow
exchange smiles with sunflowers
catch the rain in the summer 
watch the leaves change 
play a guitar in the meadow 
find pictures in the sky
see the moon rise
dream of mountains covered in snow 
whisper to the earth 
let her know what she’s worth
dont live your life in a hurry
take your time and forget the worry

Vintage Strollers, Yellow Leaves and Beautiful Daughters

The other night I dreamt..
I dreamt of a place that was very familiar yet I knew nothing about. My neighborhood as a child yet a completely different house, street and life. A baby, daughter, I had never met yet loved with every part of my soul. She wasn't mine biologically, but nonetheless, she was mine. The dream started off as I in my tank top and striped pajama shorts drinking a morning tea and saying farewell to my Honey on his way to work. I then sat down in my beautiful, white-washed, country-chic kitchen to open my email and enjoy my tea. When I heard the doorbell ring, I was thinking Josh maybe forgot something for work.. When I  casually opened the door I remember an overwhelming feeling as if all the sunshine in the universe was beaming from inside this small basket, wrapped in white blankets, staring up at me with large, doe-like brown eyes. Inside was the most beautiful, fair skinned, baby girl. With curls dark as night and eyelashes that the stars yearn for. I was in absolute awe of her. It seemed as if God, placed her outside my home. An angel that drifted straight from Heaven. I knew she was mine. My baby. My daughter. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. Loosing my heart within her eyes. I was in absolute love. A love I have never felt. A motherly love that swept over me like instinct. I was more happy then I ever remembered being. I then went into the living room and sat, just cradling her, watching her. As she watched me, waiting for my next move. I called Josh home immediately, told him I needed him home. To see my miracle, our new miracle. The only thing I remember about him rushing through the door was saying, 
"Well, we've waited forever, now she is yours, she is ours."

Baby Sophia.

The dream then skipped to me walking down the road, pushing her in an all white vintage baby stroller. The kind with ornately hand carved flowers and small birds. Leaves were falling and I remember crunching over them as I walked. Sophia, now a few months older, laughed each time, she seemed to love autumn just as much. The air was crisp and houses were decorated with pumpkins and scarecrows. I loved pushing her through the neighborhood. I felt that I wanted the world to see my beautiful daughter.

Then it moved onto me at my mothers house, only it wasn't my mothers house. We walked outside to the pool area. My mother holding Sophia and pointing to a pile of small papers on the bar. She told me they came in the mail for me. I went over to see them and they were checks. Personal checks, only they didn't have a name as from who. I sifted through them, some for $500, $3,000, $2,500, $10,000 and so on. They all said for 'Baby Reese'. I was so confused and when I turned to ask my mom and she just shrugged. I looked at My Sophia, and her eyes twinkled as she stared back at me. 

Then I woke up.

A few things I would like to point out:
1. This dream felt so real, the feeling that I had when I woke up.. It really is unexplainable. I normally don't remember what I dream about but this time I did. 
2.  Before bed that night, in my prayers, I spoke to God, I asked him to take away the negative thoughts that lurked in my head from that day. I asked for a peaceful night and happiness..
3. I loved this child in my dream more then anything in the entire world. I felt an overwhelming feeling of love and the need to protect.
4. It is quite odd that I chose the name Sophia, in reality I'm not partial to it nor Reese.
5. Everything in my dream emanated the color white.. My house, my white picket fence, my kitchen, my moms back patio/pool, the baby carriage.. 
6. It's amazing how in dreams, bits and pieces of your overall life seem to be thrown together..Making absolutely no sense in reality, but perfection in your heart.

Photos I was able to find trying to give my dream reality..

*This is the actual home from my dream, with better landscaping. This is also an actual home from my neighborhood growing up.

*The next 3 photos I found all have bits a pieces that resemble the kitchen in my dream.

*This photo resembles the living room

*Imagine a carriage similar to this just must more ornate and completely white.

*The neighborhood of my dreams is the understatement of the century.

*Houses decorated for Fall Harvest..

July 6, 2012

Cheers to the Freakin' Weekend...

I hope everyone had a marvelous time celebrating America's Birthday! I stayed home with Josh and the pups and enjoyed Publix subs and watched Harry Potter. No crazy firework nonsense, so Myla and Koda didn't go nutzo! Phew.. So, these last two weeks have been crazy hectic. I switched properties at work and am now located back in Brandon. I was pulled over for the first time, ever, yesterday evening for BARELY speeding on a road I pay a ridiculous amount of money to drive on (aka the selmon expressway). The copper gave me a citation for my insurance card having expired June 30. (5 days prior to being pulled over) Luckily she didn't give me a speeding ticket. I literally started tearing up and as soon as she let me go I started sobbing and called Josh. On a better note, I delighted in drinks and Magic Mike with Brandy and all in all I'm just trying to get settled in the new(old) office. Later this month I will be headed to ATL and Josh to Houston for training. It will be my Honey's first time ever on a commercial flight and it saddens me that I cannot be there to accompany/support him.
We will be moving back to Brandon next month also. (Helpers/Movers/Motivators Welcome!) I am very disappointed in myself for slipping on my posts. This will be sure not to happen again. By the way, I am craving Hooters Boneless Buffalo Wings. Badly..