July 6, 2012

Cheers to the Freakin' Weekend...

I hope everyone had a marvelous time celebrating America's Birthday! I stayed home with Josh and the pups and enjoyed Publix subs and watched Harry Potter. No crazy firework nonsense, so Myla and Koda didn't go nutzo! Phew.. So, these last two weeks have been crazy hectic. I switched properties at work and am now located back in Brandon. I was pulled over for the first time, ever, yesterday evening for BARELY speeding on a road I pay a ridiculous amount of money to drive on (aka the selmon expressway). The copper gave me a citation for my insurance card having expired June 30. (5 days prior to being pulled over) Luckily she didn't give me a speeding ticket. I literally started tearing up and as soon as she let me go I started sobbing and called Josh. On a better note, I delighted in drinks and Magic Mike with Brandy and all in all I'm just trying to get settled in the new(old) office. Later this month I will be headed to ATL and Josh to Houston for training. It will be my Honey's first time ever on a commercial flight and it saddens me that I cannot be there to accompany/support him.
We will be moving back to Brandon next month also. (Helpers/Movers/Motivators Welcome!) I am very disappointed in myself for slipping on my posts. This will be sure not to happen again. By the way, I am craving Hooters Boneless Buffalo Wings. Badly..